Monthly Newsletter
Fiddlers Grove Woodcarvers
Lebanon, TN
May 8, 2021

Meeting Conducted By: Rich Patterson

Location: Town Hall, Fiddlers Grove

Number in Attendance: 7 (Dennis, Jon, Ernest, Gene, Clark, Patricia, Rich)   Visitors: 0

Old Business:

1. We have been asked to participate in the following events in Granville, TN.
May 29, 2021 -- Heritage Day
October 2, 2021 -- Fall Celebration
For more information on Granville events, click here.

2. The Wilson County Fair will be held this year from August 12th to the 21st. Put these dates on your calendar since we always participate in the fair as Fiddlers Grove artisans. For more information on the fair, click here.

3. We will continue to have our Tuesday carving sessions at Butch Barnes' shop and Gene Graham's shop from 1:00pm to 4:00pm. I will send out and email with their address each week so you will know where it is. We also may meet at Fiddlers Grove occassionally.

4. As far as we know, these are the Woodcarving Seminars/Workshops that are still viable this year:

Eureka Springs Woodcarving Rendezvous -- September 27 - October 8, 2021 (Eureka Springs, AR). A friend of mine called and indicated that he talked to someone at the school and she told him that the rendezvous was going to happen this year and they were planning on having it for two weeks! She also indicated that Harold Enlow would not be there -- I was hoping to carve with him one more time which is why my friend called. Click here for future information -- they only have the dates of the rendezvous now. Eureka Springs is about a 9 hour from Lebanon.

Buckeye Woodcarvers Roundup -- July 21-24, 2021 (Fletcher OH). It is held at the Poor Farmers Campground -- you can either camp there or stay in a hotel. The registration fee is $20 (which is dirt cheap!) and you can come and go as you please. I am told it is held outdoors and it appears that they have about 15 instructors. Fletcher is about 40 minutes north of Dayton (about 6 hours from Lebanon). Click here for complete information.
New Business:

1. Three members committed to represent the club at the Neddy Jacobs Event at Fiddlers Grove on Saturday, June 5th and two others are considering attending . Patricia, our Treasurer, wrote a check for $17.50 to hold our spot at the event and Rich completed and submitted the requisite paperwork.

2. Four members committed to represent the club at the Heritage Day Event in Granville on Memorial Day weekend. Since the space that was usually designated for us was cut in half, things are really tight!

3. Gwen has made a space available for us to meet at Fiddlers Grove during the day on Tuesdays. There is a small building called the "Opry Stage" that has a bathroom and small kitchen. We would be able to either sit outside (under roof) or inside in heated/airconditioned comfort. The "inside" rooms are small but we could accommodate 4-6 people easily. We will consider using this building when a member's shop is not available. We will continue to use Butch's and Gene's shop to meet on Tuesdays as well as Phil's shop when it is finished.

4. Patricia gave the Treasurer's report -- we currently have $1, 926.29 in the treasury. She also indicated that she is waiving all dues for this year because of COVID -- consider this your FGWC relief package!

Show & Tell

Two members had carvings to show at the meeting. The following carving was submitted by Jon -- he power carved flowers on a piece of "found wood" that he said was as "hard as a rock".


Ernest presented a carved replica of his home and gardens and a progression of a carved flower on a piece of scrap mahogany.. His house carving was a very, very detailed 1/8 scale replica which required him to measure all aspects of his house, rescale it and then carve it. The roof also comes off to show the interior layout of the house.

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